When is Best Time To Take Collagen?

Collagen in a bowl

When is Best Time To Take Collagen?

We understand that most people want to maximise their supplementation. After all, who doesn't want better health? We'll explain all you need to know about collagen intake.

To answer your questionNo, there is no such thing as "the best time” to take collagen. You can take your supplements at any time of the day.

Consistency is more important. If there is anything to do with timing, it should involve establishing an intake pattern that syncs with your daily routine. That way, you never miss your collagen doses.

Continue reading to figure out how to fit your collagen intake into your daily routine.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals, including humans. It's responsible for bone development, hair and nail growth, skin health, and ligament function. In simpler terms, collagen is the structural compound that holds our bodies together.

The human body has crucial cells called FibroblastsThey are responsible for our natural collagen production. Unfortunately, their function significantly declines when we hit the age of 25. Afterwards, collagen production decreases by up to 5% each year. It's the main reason we start to experience fine lines, wrinkles, and general fatigue.

Poor dietary habits, cigarette smoke, stress, and UV damage are some of the main factors that inhibit collagen production.  

Collagen supplements

Most supplements don't contain collagen in its natural form. Instead, they break it down to collagen peptides that are much easier for the body to absorb and assimilate.

All collagen comes from fish and animals. There are no plant-based supplements. You'll only find vegan supplements with nutrients that boost the body's natural collagen production. However, they still lack collagen.

Note: If possible, we advise our customers to go for supplements from both animals and fish. That way, you benefit from all types of collagen (They are 28).

Collagen in the morning

Collagen and coffee are trending in the health and fitness world. It's good. However, it's not a requirement. You won't miss out on anything if you choose to take your collagen supplements later in the day.

Taking your supplements early in the morning is a good move for those with busy days and lots of outdoor activities. You easily get it out of the way and no longer have to worry about losing out on your desired benefits.

Those looking to improve their skin can also take their supplements immediately after their morning skincare routine. It's a neat way of bundling things togetherYou take care of the skin from the inside and out.

Collagen at night

Word is going around that collagen supplements are best taken before bedThis has a lot to do with collagen’s ability to improve sleep quality.

Indeed, it’s true that collagen supplements can help give you a good night’s sleep. They contain GlycineAn amino acid that calms the central nervous system and lowers body temperature. Studies have shown that reduced body temperatures help insomniacs get better sleep. On top of that, collagen also promotes serotonin productionA sleeping hormone.

People who take collagen before going to bed believe it will impact their recovery as they sleep. However, if you carefully do the math, you'll find that the theory doesn't add up.

Let's say you take your collagen supplement one hour before going to bed. It won't take effect immediately. Remember, it will have to pass through your digestive tract before it's absorbed into your bloodstream. Since collagen is a protein, it will take longer (Four to six hours). You'll be wide awake by the time collagen finds its way into your blood.

The best way to benefit from collagen's sleep-enhancing properties is to take it consistently. That way, its calming effects will always be with you.

If you are keen on squeezing out all benefits, we advise you to take collagen around three to four hours before going to bed.

Finally, taking collagen at night is a good idea if you already have an evening tea routine. 

Collagen snacking

We know some of you are "free spirits" and want to take collagen supplements whenever and wherever you see fit. It's cool. You are free to mix your collagen with healthy snacks like smoothies.

Collagen is nothing more than amino acids. They won't make you gain weight. Instead, be careful with the "carrier" you take collagen with. Peanut butter collagen snacks are not a good idea if you are trying to lose weight.

Post-workout collagen

Some studies suggest that taking protein after a workout session is beneficial for muscle recovery and growth. They attribute to the idea of the “30-minute anabolic window” that should be utilised for maximum effectiveness.

We agree that collagen consumption will help build and maintain muscle mass.

When you work out, you create hunger in your connective tissues. Protein-rich food and supplements like collagen help satisfy this hunger.

It's not a must to take collagen supplements immediately after a workout. However, we advise it because collagen takes time before it reaches your bloodstream.

Collagen for weight loss

Collagen is protein, and you've probably heard that protein intake can help with weight loss. 

Indeed, high-protein meals are good if you are on a weight loss journey. They invoke the feeling of fullness that helps people keep off high-calorie foods and snacks.

However, as we've previously mentioned, it's not about the collagen itself. Collagen has a little volume that will barely make you full. You'll achieve your desired result if you take collagen with high-volume foods rich in fibres.

Remember, weight loss has more to do with proper diet, metabolism, and workouts than collagen supplementation.

Collagen supplements with Vitamin C

The Collagen-Vitamin-C Combo sounds convincing.

It’s true. Vitamin C helps with collagen absorption. Nonetheless, don’t forget to eat a balance diet. Most people tend to substitute food for supplements. No matter how good they are, supplements cannot replace quality food.

Collagen on an empty stomach

Some people believe taking collagen on an empty stomach will help boost its efficacy. The idea suggests that more digestive juices are produced when food goes into an empty stomach. The more the digestive juices, the faster collagen is broken down and digested. While it might seem like a good idea, it's far from the truth.

It's true that some collagen is digested in the stomach. However, its bulk is broken down and absorbed in the small intestines. It makes little difference whether or not you take collagen on an empty stomach.

Note: Some people might experience bloating after consuming collagen-rich foods or supplements. To help ease the situation, we advise them to take collagen with slightly acid or salty foods. They will help boost digestive activity.

Collagen with hot liquids

There are others that insist that hot fluids like coffee, tea, and broth reduce collagen's efficiency. That's a myth. Such heat isn't enough to destroy collagen. In fact, hot fluids help dissolve the powder.


There is no best time to take collagen supplements. Choose a time that blends with your daily routine. That way, you’ll never miss your supplementation. Remember, you’ll only experience collagen’s benefits after consistent use.